



意大利艾沐斯电器有限公司位于中国家用电器王国广东省中山市黄圃镇,是中国目前影响力的家用厨卫电器生产企业之一。公司专业生产即热式电热水器、家用净水器、速热式电热水器、燃气热水器、抽油烟机、燃气灶与空气净化器,以其专业化的研发和生产技术远远于同类行业。早在80年代即热式电热水器行业在欧美开始蓬勃发展,其快热之便捷,小巧之美观,又以其节能为特色,迅速颠覆了储水式热水器主导地位的时代。又以其时尚、美观、智能化的特点迅速成为热水器行业主流。90年代即热式电热水器由欧美引入到中国市场,公司旗下艾沐斯品牌引入德国的YG铝环绕水电分离技术,凭借传统的精工制造理念和深厚的科技研发实力,以及大批科技人才迅速投入卫浴电器行业,十多年之间如一匹矫健的黑马,纵横了整个亚洲、欧洲和美洲。时至今日,通过近10多年的成长和历练,艾沐斯电器已经在卫浴行业树立了自己高端的品牌地位。创造了即热式电热水器行业三个:,信誉,服务!全球长达近12年的认可充分证明了艾沐斯卫浴产品的技术和品质,一个秀外慧中的品牌在悄然之间走进向往卫浴文明的每一个场所和环境。艾沐斯卫浴源自欧洲,服务中国,在保持全球技术和精湛品质的同时,始终坚持、好用就是硬道理的产品准则。更加注重吸收中国文化,融合东方智慧。艾沐斯卫浴结合当今绿色环保的人文理念,对以往许多重要技术进行了升级和调整,品牌形象也为传达品牌理念进行了专业的优化。低碳、节能、环保、科技力是艾沐斯卫浴在21世纪的产品理念一如既往秉成诚信、责任、创新、共赢的企业核心价值观。今天的艾沐斯绽放着现代,时尚、开放、兼容的风采,必将成为中国主流卫浴的重要元素,也必将为更多的现代生活注入不同凡响的精神体验。热大地之水,暖人间真情!同一个地球,同一个梦想!中国的艾沐斯就在您身边。Germany AI Mu Si Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd. is located in theChinahousehold appliances Kingdom -- Zhen Huang PuGuangdong Province Zhongshan City, is one of the most influential Chinese hottype electric water heater production enterprises. Company specializing in theproduction of hot type electric water heater, quick heating type electric waterheater and air purifier, R & D and production technology of its specializedfar a[[head]] of the same industry.In the early 80s hot type electric waterheater industry in Europe andAmericabegan to flourish, the fast thermal convenient, compact and elegant, but alsofor its energy security features, quickly upended storage water heaters dominatedera. And with the characteristics of fashion, beautiful, intelligent andquickly become the mainstream of the water heater industry.90 in the hot type electric water heaterfrom Europe and the United States into the China market, the companys AI Mu Sibrand introduced the most advanced YG aluminum surround hydropower separationtechnology, with the traditional Seiko manufacturing philosophy and strong R& D strength, as well as a large number of scientific and technologicalpersonnel quickly put the bathroom appliances industry, such as a horse, morethan 10 years. Strong dark horse, and the whole of Asia, Europe andamerica.Today, after nearly 10 years of developmentand experience, AI Mu Si electrical appliances has been in the bathroomindustry to establish their own high-end brand position. The creation of thehot type electric water heater industry three first: safety first, reputationfirst, service first!The world for nearly 12 years of recognizedfully proved AI Mu ware product technology and quality, a be pretty andintelligent brand into every place and environment for bathroom civilization inquietly.AI Mu ware from Europe, serviceChina, whilemaintaining the global leading technology and excellent quality at the sametime, always adhere to the "safety, good is the hard truth" productstandards. Pay more attention to the absorption Chinese culture, fusion ofOriental wisdom. AI Mu ware with the green environmental protection concept ofthe humanities, in the past many important technology for upgrading andadjustment, the brand image of professional optimization to convey the brandconcept. "Low carbon, energy saving, environmental protection, the forceof science and technology" is the AI Mu ware as in the past Bingcheng"integrity, responsibility, innovation, win-win" core values intwenty-first Century product concept. Todays AI mu, blooming with modern,fashion, open, compatible with the style, it will become an important elementChina mainstream bathroom, also bound to modern life more injection be not ofthe common sort of spiritual experience.Thermal ground water, warm human feelings!The same planet, the same dream! Chinese AI Mu Si on your side.



  • 主营: 临沂即热式电热水器价格,燃气式壁挂炉价格,家用纯水机生产厂家
  • 地址: 临沂市兰山区美多商贸城
  • 联系: 张经理
  • 手机: 18098171856
  • 电话: 0539-6237558
  • 本站共被浏览过 49393 次

